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Lauryn White

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Lauryn White is a graduate with a B.A. in Psychology and Health from the University of Houston’s College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Science at the University of Houston’s Clear Lake College of Human Sciences and Humanities in the Neuroscience and Behavior Program. Her experience in research involves literature and history on the topics of American popular culture and media from the late nineteenth century to the twenty-first century. She has also studied and presented in the Dominican Republic on the matter of international studies in global health and public policy.  Her future aspirations involve research on how major life events such as grief affect human biological, psychological, and social behaviors. In her first year working on the 1771 Project, she collected research materials, inputted, and analyzed data revolving around authors and their works. She’s also done editorial work on personographies and summaries tailored to the history of English literature in the 1700s and genres. In her second year, she wrote descriptions of the website’s visuals, data summaries, glossary, and created a manual text-cleaning process for the hand-cleaning team. This summer, while she has perfected her manual cleaning process, she also worked on the 1771 Project mock website on UX and UI design.

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