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Jules Hamilton


Julianna Hamilton is entering her third year at the University of Houston, with a major in Biology and a minor in Medicine & Society. Since 2022, she has been a devoted member of the Bonner Leaders Program, a service learning organization, pursuing leadership positions within the Writing to Inspire Successful Education (WISE) project during both her second and third years. In 2023, the WISE project presented their data at Undergraduate Research Day. 

Hamilton first got interested in pursuing research in 2023 when she participated in the Houston Early Research Experience (HERE) program, with the topic of Food Services and Sustainability. She created her first research proposal on the topic of Food Services and Nutrition within the Houston Independent School District (HISD). 

After that initial exposure to research, Hamilton decided she wanted to explore research in the humanities, so she applied for the Research for Aspiring Coogs in the Humanities in the fall of 2023, when she found the 1771 project. Since being on the project, she has worked closely with Niamh Clarke to add to Dr. Mazella’s digital collection of literary works from 1771. Their discoveries inspired them to present at Undergraduate Research Day about famous satirical works published in 1771, how they were controlled, and what that told us about the readers in 1771. Hamilton continued with the project throughout summer 2024 and contributed to text cleaning and project development.

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